Friday, June 29, 2018

Salt is a drug

Some people say, we have been using it for a long long time, its revered and thought to be sacred in some cultures. So have Drugs, Violence, cruel rituals and prostitution, just because something has been used by cultures for a long time or is seen as sacred doesn’t necessarily mean its a great thing. Using common sense looking from as many angles as possible while paying attention to Natures design works every time!
When you really think! we started Harvesting Grains and cooking our food?
Truth is less than 1% of our time on the Plane,  we have been eating whole fresh ripe raw foods which didn’t really require anything to “pep” them up! Eating seasonally from the abundance nature has to offer in our ideal habitat the need to Store, preserve, Pickle is basically Nil.
Moving outside of our natural environment has in part caused us to degrade over to a Comparatively Bland Diet made up of Cooked Starches and Meats, adding Salt makes that otherwise relitively Bland food Taste good!
The Hook is The more Salt you use the more Hooked you become to using it. The processed food industry uses this to their advantage, more so in the past before people knew the dangers of a High salt diet. Most processed foods are high in some form of salt and some form of Sugar, usually the cheapest one that the public accepts. The nature of these foods is to stimulate while under delivering on Nutrients, creating a “need” to eat more and more and more.
“Well well well Growing up Salt is looked at and called “the Spice of Life”, we should “Take all with a Grain of Salt”, its been revered and deemed of great value for Literal Ages! When we look at the properties, effects and supposed benefits of salt its no wonder why its played such a large role in our history. From the many varieties of “sea Salt” to Mined “rock salts” all of different character and colour Salt has been Used to Preserve, Pickle, Dry, and Stimulate the tastebuds!
SALT is the common name for sodium chloride or table salt. We hear much today about the need to reduce our salt intake in order to improve our health, especially to reduce hypertension in “salt-sensitive” people. But as more people begin to accept the idea that too much salt is unhealthy, the belief persists even among healthcare professionals that the human body requires some daily salt intake for health. This belief is false and dangerous, as this article will explain. Although the human body requires sodium as a micronutrient, which is available naturally in sufficient amounts in unsalted food, it has no need for any sodium chloride whatsoever. Salt is not a nutrient—it is a drug that poisons the body! More over what ever little requirement the body has, it is formed inside intestine when sodium bicarbonate react with remains of hydro chloric acid resulting into formation of carbon dioxide gas and salt as sodium chloride.
Approximately 80% of our salt consumption comes from sodium chloride added to our food by manufacturers before it even reaches our table. Sodium chloride contains two elements, sodium and chlorine. There are many poisonous drugs that also contain sodium, such as sodium fluoroacetate (rat poison), sodium hydroxide (lye), and sodium hypochlorite (bleach). Fortunately, we are not in the habit of sprinkling our food with these poisons in order to provide our body with needed sodium.
Unfortunately, we make an exception with sodium chloride. As a drug, sodium chloride is also poisonous to the body, but because this drug has been used as an antibiotic for centuries to preserve food, we have grown accustomed to its use.
Sodium chloride is an ionic compound that is synthesized when oppositely charged atoms or ions of sodium and chloride join together through an electrostatic ionic bond. More ionic bonds are formed as additional sodium ions and chloride ions attach to sodium chloride, building up a salt crystal lattice.
When this sodium chloride crystal dissolves in water, the ionic bonds in the lattice are broken apart by water molecules, releasing the positively-charged sodium ions and negatively-charged chloride ions. These released ions retain their opposite charges and continue to attract each other as constituents of sodium chloride’s chemical structure, but in an aqueous state. Similarly, water may change to an aqueous state (liquid), crystallized state (ice) or vaporized state (steam), but it still retains its chemical structure as water.
The body needs a continuous supply of sodium ions and chloride ions to perform various biological functions, so aqueous sodium chloride which contains both types of ions seems suitable to fill that demand. But there is a problem. The biochemical functions and locations in the body that require positive sodium ions are separate from those functions and locations requiring negative chloride ions. For example, one of the most important uses of free sodium ions in the body occurs in the nervous system. The exchange across cell membranes of positive sodium ions with negative potassium ions generates action potentials which send electric current throughout the nervous system. Without sufficient quantities of free sodium ions and other ionic electrolytes obtained in the diet, this biochemical reaction cannot occur, and the body cannot function.
Unfortunately, wherever sodium ions go in aqueous sodium chloride, the chloride ions are attracted to follow right along. If you have a cup of salt water, you can’t pour out only the portion of the water with sodium ions or only the portion with chloride ions. The charged ions never clump together in fluid, but maintain their electrical equilibrium by distributing themselves evenly throughout the aqueous solution. Thus, positive and negative ions in an aqueous state of sodium chloride remain interconnected in the same chemical proportions as they do in the crystallized state.
The sodium chloride in salt water also retains the same taste as the sodium chloride in salt crystals. Only industrial methods like electrolysis can  neutralize and remove the chloride ions from aqueous sodium chloride, which produces chlorine gas when an electrical current is run through salt water (brine).
All sodium chloride ingested by the body is either already in an aqueous state or is quickly converted to an aqueous state in the body’s fluids. But how will the body manage to avoid having the oppositely charged chloride ions follow along wherever sodium ions are needed in the body, like in the nervous system?
How can the body neutralize and remove the chloride ions from the ingested aqueous sodium chloride without having access to an industrial strength electrical current, as in electrolysis which also releases poisonous chlorine gas? It can’t! And that explains why ingested sodium chloride is useless to the body as a nutrient.
Unlike natural food, sodium chloride cannot provide any free sodium ions to the body, no matter how much it dissolves in water because sodium ions remain electrostatically attached to chloride ions in an aqueous state. Sodium chloride is consumed, circulated, and excreted as sodium chloride, without ever changing its chemical structure, regardless how much it changes between an aqueous and crystallized state. This type of inert chemical reaction never occurs in a nutrient that is metabolized by the body; it commonly occurs when a poisonous drug is consumed and eliminated.
In pharmacology, a drug’s response in the body, more accurately described as the body’s response to an inert poison, is called the drug’s pharmacodynamics, and the body’s absorption and elimination of this poison is known as the drug’s pharmacokinetics. Pharmacology texts clearly list the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of sodium chloride, confirming its use as a drug and a poison.
As with all other drugs, adverse effects of sodium chloride use are listed in medical books. Sodium chloride’s retention and excretion by the body places a large strain on kidneys and other organs, damaging tissue and raising blood pressure as the body retains water in extracellular tissue to dilute salt.
Chronic heart failure is often a result of the left ventricle of the heart giving out from forcing against the resistance of high blood pressure in the arteries due to increased blood plasma volume from sodium intake. It is likely that artery elasticity in younger people who consume salt helps prevent high blood pressure as their arteries dilate to compensate for extra plasma volume. However, as arteries lose elasticity with age, increased plasma volume from salt intake raises blood pressure. According to the INTERSALT study, the Yanomami tribe of Brazil consume no salt, and their blood pressure averages only 95/61 mmHg, which does not rise with age.
Water retention or edema that occurs in the cornea and other components of the eye from salt intake probably contributes to myopia or nearsightedness as the distorted eye shape causes errors of refraction.
Patients on Kempfer’s salt-free rice diet reported improved vision. Sodium chloride, which is also used to melt ice off our roads, is highly irritating and poisonous to delicate human tissue as observed if salt gets in the eye or in a wound. This explains why the body tries to protect tissue from harm by diluting salt with water.
Water retention in the peripheral body parts like the ankles shows up as edema, and accumulated fluid retention in the abdomen contributes to ascites. Consuming yet another drug, a diuretic to suppress water retention from salt intake, ignores the underlying cause of the problem, undermines the body’s defense mechanism to dilute salt, and increases the risk for additional drug-induced adverse effects like dehydration.
It is commonly believed among healthcare professionals that children suffering from cystic fibrous have a genetic defect that requires treatment with large daily doses of sodium chloride to replace the large quantity of sodium expectorated in mucous by the children’s lungs. It never occurs to these professionals that their sodium chloride treatment may be worse than the disease. For example, it may be that sodium chloride poisons the body and acts as an epigenetic factor which stimulates the genetic sodium defect and generates the copious expectorant in cystic fibrous as the body attempts to rid itself of this poison.
Like many other drugs that induce lung disease, salt intake is strongly linked to asthma. Saline solutions administered to patients often have adverse effects including pneumonia, pulmonary edema, increased blood pressure, higher pulse and respiratory rate, vomiting, anxiety, and acute cardiac failure. By contrast, natural coconut water containing balanced amounts of sodium and other electrolytes does not have these adverse effects when administered intravenously in emergency cases.
Understanding that sodium chloride is a drug rather than a nutrient or a harmless flavor enhancer and food preservative is an important step in increasing the public’s awareness and preparedness to reject this dangerous poison that is ubiquitous in our food supply.
The chemical form in which we ingest sodium and other needed elements is critical to that element’s bioavailabilty and utilization to build and maintain health. For example, we need to take oxygen into our lungs to breathe, and water contains oxygen, but if we attempt to fill our lungs with water to supply oxygen we will drown. Likewise, we need to ingest natural sodium and natural chloride in our diets to remain healthy, but if we attempt to supply these with sodium chloride, we only poison our bodies while our nutritional need for useable sodium and chloride remain unfulfilled. Natural, unsalted foods are our best source to supply these elements.
Finally, some people might object that eliminating sodium chloride removes the iodine added to it as well which is necessary to consume for health. Yet, usable iodine is present abundantly in the same natural foods, such as dark green leafy vegetables, that supply natural sources of sodium, calcium, and other elements.
“Vilhjalmar Stefanson found the Eskimos to be very healthy,yet none of these peoples ever use salt. Indeed Stefanson tells us that they greatly dislike it. The Siberian natives have no use for salt. In Africa most Negroes live and die without ever hearing of this “essential of life.” In Europe for long periods salt was so expensive that only the rich could afford it.”
“Bartholomew found the Chinese of the interior to be healthy and that they do not use salt. The Bedouins consider the use of salt ridiculous. The high-landers of Nepal refuse salt, as do the Kamschatdales. Millions of natives of Central Africa have never tasted salt. The Darmas of Southwest Africa “never take salt by any chance.”
“In Thoreau’s account of his life in the woods, he refers to salt as “that grossest of groceries,”and tells us that he discontinued its use and found that he was less thirsty thereafter while suffering no ill effects. He also says that he found that the Indians whom he encountered in his wandering did not use it.”

Salt for the Minerals!! This is often the Call made to convince people to eat Sea Salt. Despite the Known Dangers of a High Salt/sodium diet, the minute Mineral Content of Sea Salt is Driven in as a really good reason to eat this Otherwise Toxic stimulant. I find it strange that we would eat a known poison to get a small amount of minerals when Perfectly healthful whole foods contain the minerals we need in abundance! Chew a few more greens and rejoice in eating the Highest Mineral Content Food Per Calorie on the Planet!!!
Inorganic minerals as found in all types of Sea and Rock salt were never living, they come without carbon and cannot bring life to cells. The body treats these metals like toxins that must be eliminated at cost of vitality and cellular health. The Covalent Bonds are tightly held together and thus they cannot be easily broken down, due to this they can become deposited in the joints and tissues if they are not eliminated. 
Inorganic Minerals as they exist in nature are found in the soil and water, Orgainic minerals on the other hand are found in plants and animals. Only plants (with the help of Bactria) can transform inorganic minerals into organic minerals. As Inorganic Minerals are useless and Injurious animals must eat plants or plant-eating animals to obtain their organic minerals.
 An example of this is arsenic. Arsenic in the chemical, metal or inorganic state can be a lethal poison, however, when found in organic form in fresh celery and asparagus it is Healthful.

Rock Minerals are indeed healthful for plants, that is in the growing and creation of healthfull plants and the Fruits there of! I would encourage the use of Rock dust and such as a option for a great mineral rich garden! With the help of Bacteria around the root hairs of plants, Inorganic minerals are converted into Organic minerals (mineral + carbon ) that can become a part of the cell structure of plants including Carbohydrates.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Magic of Wheatgrass Juice

Look around yourself almost 1/3 of the Earth is covered with grass. Nature has given the 'soldiers' to animals and humans as cure in the form of grass. You might have seen cats and dogs nibbling over the grass whenever they fall sick. Intuitively animals know the grass is a cure for all kinds of sickness. Among all types of grasses, wheat grass (till first 2 weeks after the germination of the wheat grains) has all the necessary nutrients.
Wheat grass juice is a soldier in a true sense, a soldier equipped with all kinds of intelligence, power, sharpness and speed. It can be called as a soldier of the body and has the greatest potential to cure the human body from practically every kind of disease, because of the following qualities:-
1)   It is a complete protein containing over 20 essential and non- essential amino acids.
2)   In the Vitamin department, it contains twice Vitamin A (Beta- Carotene) than carrots, all the Vitamins B including B-12, more Vitamin C than oranges, Vitamin E and Vitamin K.
3)   Wheatgrass is an excellent source for all major and minor minerals, containing 92 of the 102 minerals found in the soil. It is especially high in calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and potassium, as well as trace minerals such as zinc and selenium.
4)   It contains essential fatty acids: Linolenic Acid and Linoleic Acid.
5)   It has more than 80 different enzymes. Nutritive value of 15 kg wheatgrass juice is equivalent to 350 kg of the  vegetables
Wheatgrass has oxygen in a diffusible state (ready for body absorption) in abundance. When we drink wheatgrass juice, supply of oxygen in blood increases, leading to the longevity and vitality of the body.  Chlorophyll of wheatgrass is also known as green blood. When compared to the molecule of hemoglobin, the oxygen carrier in human blood, chlorophyll is almost identical. The major difference is that the nucleus of chlorophyll contains Magnesium (Mg), whereas hemoglobin contains Iron (Fe). Chlorophyll's unique ability to kill anaerobic odor producing bacteria is the reason, it covers up the smell of garlic, fights bad breath, body odor and acts as a general antiseptic. These bacteria, which live without air, are destroyed by chlorophyll's oxygen producing agents.
Dr. Otto Warburg, the 1931 Nobel Prize winner of Physiology and Medicine discovered that oxygen deprivation was a major cause of cancer. The cancer therapy today bombards tumours with ozone, a highly active oxygen. Unlike many drugs, chlorophyll has never been found to be toxic in any dosages. Chlorophyll can even protect us from harmful radiation from X-ray, television, computer screen, transmitters and microwave. Famous research scientist E.Bircher called Chlorophyll as “Concentrated Sun  Power” and reported that it increases the function of the heart, vascular system, kidneys, intestine, uterus and the lungs. It raises the basic nitrogen exchange. And is therefore a tonic which, considering its stimulation properties cannot be compared with any other food or medicine on the planet. We can conclusively say that drinking wheatgrass juice certainly detoxyfies the blood and strengthens the immune system. It leads to more energy and an improved ability to combat and reverse illness.

Some of the Nutrients in Wheat Grass
Amino Acids: Typtophan, Glutamic Acid, Alanine, Methionine, Arginine, Lysine, Aspartic Acid, Cystine, Glycine, Hisidine, lsoleucine, Leucine, phenylalaine, Proline, Serine, Threonline, Valine.
Enzymes: (Over 80 have been identified) Super-oxide Dismutase, Peroxidase, Phosphatase, Catalase, Cytochrome Oxidase, DNase, RnaseSuperoxide, Hexokinase, Malic dehydrogenase, Nitrate reductase, Nitrogen oxyreductase, Fatty Acid Oxyreductase, Fatty Acid Oxidase, Phosolipase, Polyphenoloxidase, Dismutase, Transhydrogenase.
Phytochemicals: Chlorophyll, Carotenoids, Bioflavonoids, growth hormones, RNA, DNA.
Vitamins: Vitamin C, Vitamin E (Succinate), Beta-carotene (Vitamin A) Biotin, Choline, Folic Acid, B1-Thiamine, B2-Riboflavin, B3-Niacin, B6- Pantothenic Acid and Vitamin K.
Minerals & Trace Minerals:
Zinc, Selenium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Boron, Chloride, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, lodine, lron, Magnesium, Nickel, Sodium and Sulfur. (These are the primary ones, there are many more.)
Fatty Acids: Linolenic Acid, Linoleic Acid.

Some Benefits of Grass Substantiated By Research
> Repairs DNA > Reduces Cholesterol
> Enhances Immunity > Prevents Inflammation
> Stops Free-Radicals > Promotes Cellular Rejuvenation
> Inhibits Carcinogens > Enhances Stamina & Endurance
> Increases Longevity > Neutralizes Pesticides
> Provides Growth Hormone > Provides Antioxidants
> Helps to Cure Skin Diseases > Lowers Atherosclerosis Risk
Some F. A. Q.

Question: How do I avoid mould when growing wheatgrass?
Answer: Mould is the most common problem, when growing wheatgrass (in fact it is often the only problem). It can be identified as white blobs forming (normally around the base of the wheatgrass stalks) when it is alive and as black spots when it is dead. The following are the suggestions for preventing mould formation to your home grown wheatgrass.

Question: At what stage the wheat grass should be used for Juice?

Answer: The plant undergoes rapid growth with increasingly nutritional manifestation until maturity (when it switches gear from vegetative growth to reproductive growth). Just prior to this change- over, the plant is at its nutritional peak. This transition is known as jointing (as shown in picture). After jointing the nutritional counts drop radically. The plant then start sending all its nourishment to the developing wheat grains.

Question: Can I take wheatgrass during my pregnancy?
Answer: Wheatgrass is great for prenatal care, as it provides the body with nutrients like antioxidants, chlorophyll and folic acid.

Question: I have a wheat or gluten allergy, is wheatgrass juice safe to take?
Answer: Wheatgrass is harvested till the jointing stage, before it turns into a grain. In this stage the grass does not contain any gluten. It is extremely rare for people with wheat allergies to have reaction, because they are usually allergic to the gluten found in the wheat kernel. Wheat grain is different than wheat grass. One is grain and other is a green vegetable.

Question: Can you use wheat grass powder instead of Wheat grass Juice?
Answer: The Wheat grass juice has all the nutrients capable to fight with diseases found in our body, more over it is also mandatory to consume the juice within twenty minutes of the preparation. After that time period the nutrient value radically falls down, but in case of wheat grass powder, the optimum benefit can not be attained. Anything that is dried has an
incredible loss of vital life force. Even if you dry it carefully. Dried is dormant. Dormant is inactive. Problem with all that dried stuff is the life force. The ethereal energy is dissipated and lost. You are something highly vibrational and wheat grass juice is also the highly vibrational –it tunes right into you and brings up your vibration.

How Wheatgrass Heals?
Here I would like to shift your focus from mythology and history towards concrete facts and logic.
Wheatgrass helps in healing by:
  1. Restoring the damaged neurons.
  2. Restoring the organ damage.
  3. Behavior modification.
  4. Restoring the intuitive intelligence.
  5. Complete mind–body cleansing.
  6. Optimizing the hormonal balance.
And to complete the answer I will tell you..

Why Wheatgrass Heals?
Because it contains:
1. Power of sunlight in condensed form.
2. All the 92 nutrients out of 102 nutrients in the appropriate ratio as needed by human body for perfect balance.
3. Mind–body–soul alignment through perfect vibrational energy. Truly said, by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, “Not the Doctor, but Nature Heals”.

Question: How can I take out the wheat grass juice?
Answer: You have the potential to change your life forever. I am going to reveal to you the Panacea on earth. It will change the way you think about health and then you'll never be required to visit any hospital or health center to cure dreaded diseases.
It had been in use since ages. One can find its mention and use in the pages of mythology and world history. Let me give some of the endorsees of this humble little secret.
1) Lord Ganesha once swallowed a mighty demon and developed a burning sensation in his stomach. No God or doctor all over the cosmos could relieve him from his burning pain. Then 8800 sages gave him this food that we are talking about & he got immediate relief.
2) Jesus Christ asked his men and mankind to take this food to cure themselves of any disease.
3) This food was taken by Egyptian Kings and soldiers of Mesopotamian civilization to keep themselves healthy.
4) Shushruta who wrote “Shushruta Samhita” and is known as 'father of Surgery', used this to heal the injuries and wounds of his patients. 5) It was used during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya to heal and cure wounds and injuries.
6) The great Arab-traveler Ibn–e-battuta or Hajji Abu-Abdulla Muhammad was a Moroccan. He is known for his fascinating travels spanning thirty years. He started his journey at the age of twenty-one (1325) and ended it in 1355. During his travel in 1348, when he was in Damascus Syria ,he got sick.  that time, the whole world was under a pandemic called Bubonic Plague, also known as Black-Death. It was the most devastating pandemic in human History. Ibn-e-Battuta too caught this plague. One of his professors helped him to get cured. This professor gave him the juice of this wonder food and other concoctions. He was back on his foot soon and left for India.

7) Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II, who built 'Hanging Garden of Babylon' to please his homesick wife Amytis of Media, once got very sick and lost his mental balance. He was sick for seven long years. Finally he got cured consuming fruits, vegetables and herbs and this food. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The harsh truth of modern health system

Image result for packed juice
“Today many spends their entire earning of 50 years in saving their life, in the last 50 days of his life .

It goes without saying that the hospital has become a thriving business today. Remember that your falling ill and thereby your prolonged illness is going to benefit hospitals and a few companies. Perhaps this is the reason why a company like BRITANNIA writes in a certain ad for it's biscuit,' Let's be friends with diabetes.' Just imagine who would like to be friendly with any disease?
Although it has been proved that the present set of diseases related to our prevailing life style could be attributed to fast food. In spite of that,  you go to any big private hospital, you are sure to find fast food restaurants in the same.
The matter does not end here. Let's move forward and go around into the kitchens of any renowned hospitals, where you will find packed juices containing harmful chemicals being served to patients, in the name of fruit juice, which is detrimental to the delicate immune system of the patients. Every doctor knows that freshly extracted fruit juices are very good for health and packed juices are more harmful, even then it is served in many hospitals. Similarly, food prepared in a microwave, quite often becomes the cause of illness and fatal diseases. Microwave vibrates the water molecules lakh of times in a second which heats up the food and cooks it in no time. But the chemical structure of the water molecules contained in the food changes in an unnatural way, thus making the food changed it's properties, which can be toxic when it finally goes into the stomach.
Now the matter of concern is that when patients, who are admitted to hospitals, are served the food cooked in microwave it can aggravate their problems.
Possibly, our doctors too overlook such crucial facts/reasons and like any other layman, they themselves end up becoming patients. Many of the doctors themselves suffer from many such diseases. When they themselves suffer from those , how can they treat their patients.
If you don't believe these facts, google "IMA" together with "tropicana" you find dozens of news link stating that,  an eminent institution of medical profession, i.e. Indian Medical Association, which is supposed to be the most reputed organization, which has about more than three lakhs doctors as members and also called the backbone of Modern Medicine in India. In 2008, through an advertisement on T.V., recommended drinking of Tropicana juice and said that it is very beneficial for health. Whereas; the fact is that it contains so many harmful chemicals as preservatives, that the juice becomes toxic for health. It is true that fresh juice is good for us…but in the name of fresh juice they promoted packed juice.
To keep you alive with diseases is going to benefit these hospitals and companies manufacturing medicines. They are together hatching this conspiracy. It is a strange misfortune of human species that only human beings earn money by others human diseases. Not a day passes by where we don’t come across the headlines in the news highlighting health fraud or a medical scam by pharmaceutical companies of the world.


The product Listerine which comes as a mouth wash now, was discovered in 1879, as a surgical antiseptic. The word Listerine was derived from the name of an English surgeon, Joseph Lawrence Lister, who had first demonstrated the use of Listerine as a surgical antiseptic. Soon Joseph Lawrence and Jordan.W.Lambert were selling Listerine as a floor cleaner. In 1895, suddenly it began to be used for teeth, as a mouth cleaner, to dispel bad smell from the mouth, thus was being sold to the dental surgeons. 
By 1914, in America, it began to be used as an 'over the counter' mouth wash and thus became popular by the same. By 1920, Lambert Pharmacal company, Listerine maker got convinced that he had got cure, now there arose the need for a disease. Finally, ‘Halitosis’ disease was made up. This referred to the foul smell of the mouth, about which a very few people knew. Through advertisements, Listerine was demonstrated as the treatment for halitosis. The advertisers described halitosis as such a disease which could be the one of the causes of lack of success in the career, romance and married life of a person. Soon, America's 90% people were known to be affected by halitosis.

seems no escape from it…. only escape is raise your awareness and consciousness and return to the natural way of living.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Copper, reddish-gold surface  carries a certain antique appeal. Many alternative medicine users advocates use of copper vessels for drinking water and other  beverage.  I have collected  and compiled medical opinions on it.   
Image result for copper mugDrinking anything with a pH below 6.0 from a copper vessel is highly unsafe. That would include anything with vinegar, fruit juice and wine. It’s undeniable that copper is a beautiful accent to any decorating scheme. 
Copper has made a comeback all over the home, but especially in the kitchen. Copper kettles, copper pots and pans, copper sinks, copper plating—this warm material evokes a feeling of belonging. It’s an essential part of that vintage aesthetic that brings communities together to share food and laughter over drinks.
But many adding to their drink ware collection, but beware too much copper can be toxic, after all. We’re past the days of Egyptian lead eyeliner and mercury thermometers.
It is true that copper exists naturally in small quantities in the human body,  and it’s necessary to help regulate oxygen in the blood stream, and is even found in minute amounts in our drinking water. But too much copper can cause major health problems.
While acute cases of copper poisoning can be treated, long-term overconsumption of copper can lead to copper toxicity, which affects multiple systems in the body, including the stomach, kidneys, liver, and brain. Heating copper to hot temperatures and cooking acidic food in copper cookware are especially likely to lead to ill effects.
For these reasons, the sale of pure copper kitchenware is often restricted to decorating purposes only. or otherwise it is lined with stainless steel / tin both of which are perfectly safe to drink. This interior lining prevents chemical reactions between copper and the ingredients of the drink and it also prevents copper from leaking into your cocktail.
While used less frequently, even unlined copper mugs are safe to drink from depending on a few factors.
1.   They must be filled only with cold or room-temperature beverages.
2.   They must not be filled with an acidic substance.
Not easy to control all the time as both heat and acidity react with copper, dissolving it and causing it to potentially leak into your drink. In my personal opinion trace metal are useful to our body growth if it is taken from natural plant diet. Iron deficiency can not be treated by drinking from iron pot  J In same way copper mug is not for copper deficiency. But copper do have anti bacterial property and can kill bacteria to certain extent.

Copper toxicity, can occur from eating acid foods cooked in uncoated copper cookware, or from exposure to excess copper in drinking water or other environmental sources.

Copper is a mineral that is found throughout the body. It helps your body make red blood cells and keeps nerve cells and your immune system healthy. It also helps form collagen, a key part of bones and connective tissue. Copper may also act as an antioxidant, reducing free radicals that can damage cells and DNA.

If you consume too much copper, the effect can be poisonous. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, diarrhea, stomach pain and a metallic taste in your mouth. If you then develop a copper toxicity, this rare occurrence can lead to heart problems, jaundice, coma and potentially death.

As per The EPA guideline has established an "action level" for copper in drinking water. This action level is exceeded if the level of copper in more than 10 percent of the tap water samples collected by a water system is greater than 1,300 micrograms per liter (or 1,300 parts per billion).

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adult men and women is 900 μg/day. To overcome copper deficiency it is better to eat fruit high in copper. Below are 15 fruits highest in copper, including guavas, durians, avocados, blackberries, pomegranates, litchis, starfruit, kiwifruit, grapes, green olives, persimmons, mangospineapples, bosc pears, and raspberries.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

हे वैज्ञानिक सोचवाले इंसानों आप सभी को होली की शुभकामनायें

विज्ञान का विद्यार्थी होने के  नाते मेरा विज्ञान का पक्षधर होना स्वाभाविक होना चाहिये, एसे मे जब अंधविश्वास पर वार करते हुये लेख पढने को मिले तो मुझे अच्छा लगना चाहिये, पर मे क्या करू मुझे दूसरे अनदेखे पहलू पर नजर डालने की बुरी आदत जो है, लीक से हटकर सोचने की आदत है. इधर विज्ञान का विद्यार्थी होने के नाते मेरे साथी मुझ से यह उम्मीद करते है की माफिया, पूजीपतियों  और राजनेताओं की सांठ्गांठ को नजर अंदाज करते हुये हर अच्छी बुरी वैज्ञानिक सोच का मै समर्थन करू. यह भी भुला दू की आज विज्ञान हमे किस दिशा मे ले जा रहा है.
इन दिनों मेरे आस पास विज्ञान और तकनीक के नाम पर जो हो रहा है उसे देखकर चिंतित और व्यथित हू  और अपने को असहाय महसूस कर रहा हू. गलत का विरोध भी करू तो केसे ?  विरोध करने के लिये और अपनी बात कहने के लिये उन्ही के पास जाना होगा जिनका विरोध करना है, यही मेरी मजबूरी है.  इस हद तक की निर्भरता इसी विज्ञान की ही तो देन है.
अगर आज मुझे अपनी बात आप तक पहुचानी है तो करोडो का चेनल चाहिये.... एसा एक नही सेकडो चेनल चाहिये, क्योंकी मे जिनके बारे मे कहना चाहता हू उनके पास मुझे गलत साबित करने के प्रचार साधन आपार है. इतना असाहाय तो मेरे पूर्वजों ने भी पहले कभी महसूस नही किया होगा. यह सच है की वो कम ज्ञानी थे, अंधविश्वासी भी थे. शायद हमारी तरह गलत और सही की पहचान नही कर पाते थे. उन्हे नही पता था की पृथ्वी सूर्य के चारो ओर चक्कर काटती है. पर उनकी अपनी एक जीवनशेली थी जिसे अपना कर वो हजारो सालो से पर्यावरण के साथ सामंजस्य बनाये रखते हुये इंसानी जीवन को जीवत बनाये रखा. पर आज क्या ?
आज हम हद दर्जे तक मतलबी और लालची हो गये है हमारी कथनी और करनी मे फर्क बढ गया है.  हमारी जिंदगी इतनी आराम तलब और मतलब परस्त हो गई है की हमने अपने आनेवाले  संकट से आंखे मूद ली है. इस विज्ञान ने इंसान मे मोजूद जानवर की हसरत को हजारो गुना बढा दिया है. आज हम वही बोलते और सोचते है जो हमारी हसरतो को पूरा करने मे मदद करे...किसी भी कीमत पर.
लालच को हमने कोरपोरेट का रूप दे दिया है. जो बस कमजोर को अपनी मालकियत समझता है प्राकृति संसाधनो का बेहिसाब दोहन इसी लालच की देन है. यही लालच धर्म और विज्ञान को अपने मतलब के लिये एक दूसरे को खून का प्यासा बना देता है. लाखो मार दिये जाते है और दोष धर्म का. हो सकता है,  दोष धर्म का ही हो,  पर हथियार किसके है ...वो तो विज्ञान की ही देन  है ना ?  वरना मात्र नाखून और पंजो से आप इतनो का मार पाते ?   
प्रथम विश्व युद्ध से पहले तक विज्ञान और उसके द्वारा किया गया तकनिकी विकास का असर बहुत सिमित क्षेत्र मे होता था. ये वो समय था जब सभ्यताये प्रकृति के साथ तालमेल रखते हुये अपनी परंपराओं और समाजिक संरचना को हजारों सालो तक बनाये रही, और  वंही कुछ समाज अन्य सभ्य समझे जाने वाले समाजों की तुलना मे  अपने को  आदिम, जंगली बनाये रहे.  उस समय वो एसा कर भी पाये क्योंकी विज्ञान उतना उन्नत नही था.  
सभ्यताये आती- जाती रही पर हजारों सालो से मानव जाति अपना वजूद बनाये रही, प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के  बाद यह सब तेजी से बदला गया. जिस तेजी से प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का दोहन हो रहा है वो अब किसी से छुपा नही है, विज्ञान और तकनीकी की मदद से इसकी अंधाधुंध उपयोग सभी सीमाये पार कर रहा है.
यह सच है की अंधविश्वास ने मानवजाति का नुकसान किया  है. पर क्या कभी इसका किसी ने हिसाब लगाया की विज्ञान और तकनीकी ने मानव जाति का कितना नुकसान किया है. इसलिये अंधविश्वास पर वार करने से पहले हमे यह देखना होगा की जिस  विज्ञान की उगंली पकडकर हम चलना चाहते है वो हमे किस दिशा मे ले जा रहा है. यह तब, और भी जरूरी हो जाता है जब व्यवस्था भ्रष्ट हो  और वो लालची मतलबी एह्सान फरामोस राजनेताओं और धर्म के ठेकेदारों और पूजीपतियो की लिये काम कर रही हो.
अंधविश्वास और गलत पंरपराये मात्र उनको  प्रभावित करते थी जो उन्हे मानते है, पर  विज्ञान उनको भी प्रभावित कर रहा है जिसका उससे दूर दूर तक कोइ लेना देना नही है. पृथ्वी का जीवन इससे पहले इतने संकट मे कभी नही था. हर गुजरते दिन के साथ कोइ ना कोइ प्रजाति विलुप्त होती जा रही है. आज हम मे से कोइ भी पक्के र्तौर पर यह नही कह सकता की अगले 50 साल मानव जाति भी बनी रहेगी या नही.
एल्बर्ट आंस्टीन को आज अगर विज्ञान के लिये याद किया जा रहा है तो उन्हे परमाणुबम के लिये और उससे हुई लाखों हत्याओं के लिये भी याद किया जाये ...  जो उनके रहते नागासाकी और हिरोशिमा मे हुई .... कितना असाहाय महसूस किया होगा एल्बर्ट आंस्टीन ने ...या किया भी होगा या नही...कोन जानता है....इतिहास तो जीतने वाले लिखते है. 
आज विश्व की 20% आबादी का पृथ्वी के 80% संसाधनों पर कब्जा है. ये बेहद ताकतवर है. यही  लोग विज्ञान और तकनीक का सहारा लेकर बाकी 80% आबादी को डर और मजबूरी के साये मे जीने को मजबूर कर दिया है. यही वो लोग है जिनका असिमित लालच जंगल , पहाड को बरबाद कर दे रहा है.  आखिर प्राक़ृतिक संसाधनों का बेहिसाब दोहन हमे किस ओर ले जा रहा है?
कल ही ल्यूसी रोबोट का विडियो देखा ...उसमे वो बोल रही है की “ अगर आप मेरे साथ सही सलूक करोगे तो मै भी आपके साथ सही सलूक करूगी” ? हो सकता है की यह किसी का मजाकिया विडियो हो? पर यह मात्र धमकी नही है. आर्टी फीशियल इंटेलीजेंस से युक्त ये रोबोट समय के साथ और बेहतर होते जायेगे और वो समय दूर नही जब हम पूरी तरह इन पर निर्भर होंगे इसके नतीजे कितने विनाशकारी हो सकते है यह तो भविष्य की बात है पर आज जो  कुछ  अफगानिस्तान, इराक मे हुआ उसे क्या आप नजर अंदाज कर पायेगे, किस तरह रिमोट मे बैठे कुछ लोग विज्ञान की देन ड्रोन और एसे ही कितने हथियारों से सब कुछ तबाह करने पर तुले हुये है ... और जो विरोध मे है वो बस आंतकवादी  करार दिये जा रहे है.  मै यह नही कह रहा हू की आप फिर से आदिम बन  जाओ और अंधविशवास का दामन थाम लो. पर इसका मतलब यह भी नही की विज्ञान और तकनीक का अंध भक्त हो जाया जाये.
हमे धर्म और विज्ञान से परे जाकर जीवन को देखना और समझना है. जीवन को सरल बनाना है. आज विश्व की आबादी 770 करोड़  से भी ज्यादा है और अगले 10 वर्षों मे वो 900 करोड़ का आकडा पर कर जायेगी. 
लालची और मतलबी लोगो से शासित 900 करोड़ लोग जो अपने ही बनाये विज्ञान और तकनीक के दानव से डरे और सहमे हुये होंगे ..... जिसे हम प्रगति कहते है क्या सच मे यह प्रगति है ...और यह केसी प्रगति, किसकी प्रगति ? इस सब से इंसानियत ने क्या पाया ?
आज विकास के नाम पर हमने लंगोठ पहने मूल निवासी को जींस पहना दी है हाथ मे मोबाइल थमा दिया है देखने को टीवी भी लगा दिया है ...क्या यह सब करके उस सीधे सादे इंसान को अपनी तरह  लालची और मतलबी नही बना दिया. अब हम चाहते है की हम उसके जंगल और पहाड ले ले और वो उफ तक ना करे
मै आदतन ट्रेकर हू ....अब  भी ट्रेकिंग के दौरान मुझे जंगल और पहाड मे एसे लोग मिल जाते है जिनके पास भले ही खाने को एक रोटी हो पर उसमे से भी  वो आधी रोटी मुझे देना चाहता है ...अपनी खटिया मुझे सोने को देता है और खुद  नीचे जमीन पर सो जाने की जिद्द करता है ...उस समय  सच मै अपनी इतनी बढी वैज्ञानिक सोच और तकनीक होने के बावजूद खुद को बहुत छोटा महसूस करता हू ...आज वो संकट मे है और मे बस वाट्सएप पर यह लिख पा रहा हू . उसका साथ दूंगा तो आप सब मुझे आंतक वादी और माओवादी घोषित करने मे कतई परहेज नही करोगे ... हो सकता कुछ लोग इस लेख को पढकर एसा सोच भी रहे हो
क्या ही अच्छा होता अगर विज्ञान इस धरती पर  रह रहे इंसानों को समझा पाता की इस पृथ्वी पर उसके जीने के लिये जरूरत से ज्यादा है. काश विज्ञान हम सब को विश्व ग्राम का अहसाहस दिला पाता. हमे समझा पाता की राष्ट्र , धर्म, रंग  और जाति मे बटा वो प्राकृति की एक मात्र एसी अनूठी रचना है जो चाहे तो जानवर से खुद इश्वर बन सकता है.
अफसोस विज्ञान एसा नही कर पाया उस पर  राष्ट्र , धर्म , रंग और जाति जेसे बांटने वाले विचार पहले भी हावी थे और अब तो हद ही हो गई है. आज वो एसे विचार पागल पन की हद तक जनूनी होकर इसी विज्ञान की मदद से फेल रहे है. कुछ लोगों ने पृथ्वी के संसाधनों पर बेशर्मी की हद तक कब्जा कर लिया है और बाकीयों को राष्ट्र , धर्म , रंग और जाति जेसे बांटने वाले विचार से आपस मे लडाकर अपना उल्लू सीधा कर रहे है. 
सब को मौत की सच्चाई मालूम है सब को मालूम है की वो कितना ही अमर होने का जतन कर ले, मौत से वो बच नही पायेगा. जो पैदा हुआ है उसे मरना ही होगा. हमारी पागल पन की हद देखो की वो हमे दिखाई नही दे रहा है. 
आज विज्ञान बंदर के हाथों उस्तरा ही तो है ...ना भई ना उस्तरा नही..क्योंकी उससे तो वो खुद अपना ही नुकसान कर सकता था. उसके हाथ मे विज्ञान एक एसे रिमोट की तरह है जो किसी भी एटम बम को फोड सकता है .... जो अब फूटा की तब.
एटम बमों का भोडा प्रदर्शन शान से हो रहा है, जितना बढा बम उतना ही वैज्ञानिक और तकनीकी उन्नत देश.  हमने इतिहास  से ना सीखने की कसम खा रखी है.  आज हमने रक्षा के नाम पर इतने हथियार जमा कर लिये है जो इस पृथ्वी को सेकडो बार तबाह कर सकती है. फिर भी चेन नही
 हमे और घातक हथियार चाहिये. और एसे लोगों को आप विज्ञान देने की बात कर रहे हो.  मेरे हिसाब से अंधविश्वास पर काम करने से पहले हमे अपने लालच और डर पर काम करना चाहिये, और इस बात का जबाब हमे अपने अंदर खोजना चाहिये की लालच ज्यादा खतरनाक है या अंधविश्वास.
कहने को अब भी बहुत कुछ है पर लेख लंबा हो रहा है ...इसे पढते रह जाओगे तो होली कब मनाओगे. .. इस लिये आगे की बात किसी ओर दिन 

शुभ होली